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the documentary and study guide
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A study guide has been developed for use with the documentary ‘How I Became A Refugee’

for teachers, parents and community groups

Zophei Children’s School

Free study guide

If you wish to make a small tax-deductible donation, proceeds go directly to support our ongoing educational projects for displaced children namely the Chin Refugee Educational Project.

A study guide has been created in collaboration with the Australian teachers of media (ATOM) and has been specially written for secondary students at all year levels.


The study guide satisfies curriculum outcomes in areas such as citizenship, human rights, politics and history

Australian Curriculum Aligned for Teachers.

The Study Guide been written for secondary students at all year levels. It provides information and suggestions for learning activities in Civics and Citizenship, English, Geography, Global Politics, History, Media, Religion and curriculum projects discussing the issue of asylum seekers and refugees. We understand that teachers use the Australian Curriculum when arranging content and activities for students, so we have made sure our documentary and study guide meets several of these outcomes.

How I Became a Refugee can also be used as a resource to address the Australian Curriculum general capabilities Ethical Understanding and Intercultural Understanding and the cross curriculum priority Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia.

Teachers are advised to consult the Australian Curriculum online and curriculum outlines relevant to their state or territory for further information.

Interested in getting more involved?

Join the Pen-pal project

A Pen-pal project can be arranged between the students of your school and the Chin refugee children from one of our schools in Malaysia. Contact us for more information.

Make a voluntary donation or fundraise

Mettamorphosis Inc. is run by a group of passionate volunteers committed to human rights and social justice for refugees and asylum seekers. If you would like to support us and our prgrams, a voluntary donation can be made through this link when you download the study guide. All donations are tax-deductible. Alternatively, a student-led fundraising project would be an additional way for students to feel involved and directly support Chin refugee children.

Request for a guest speaker from Mettamorphosis to attend

If you are holding an educational screening and would like a member of the Mettamorphosis team to attend, please don’t hesitate to contact us. All members of Mettamorphosis undergo training for this purpose and have a strong background knowledge in areas covered by the film.